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We are now driving impact through design at Arcadis.了解更多


我们广泛的建筑和城市服务现在由阿卡迪斯为您带来, the world’s leading company delivering sustainable design, engineering, and consultancy solutions for natural and built assets.  


As architects, 我们被赋予了塑造世界各地城市和地标建筑的美学和功能价值的难得特权——这是一项我们不会轻易承担的责任. 

We’re committed to ambitious architecture that honours and reflects unique communities; that looks boldly ahead to the future while responsibly reflecting their histories. 

Affordability, 多样性, 对可持续发展日益重要的承诺影响着我们所有的决策. 我们必须考虑文化,意识到公民的需求,永远善待自然. 



我们不断增长的工作组合跨越六大洲和各种形式和规模的项目. 我们在私营和公共部门拥有超过40年的服务经验. This includes, but is not limited, to:

  • High-rise residential towers
  • Retail facilities and shopping centres
  • Mixed-use retail/residential buildings
  • Education facilities
  • Hospitals and medical research facilities
  • 酒店 & 度假村
  • 体育场馆
  • Institutional and civic buildings
  • Themed attractions
  • Industrial manufacturing facilities and factories
  • Light rail and bus rapid transit stations
  • Single-use structures
  • Transit facilities

From Architectural Controls to Water Resources Management, 我们在六大专业服务领域提供超过35个独立的业务.

Explore 服务 A-Z

A cross-continent collective of design-minded professionals

Our architects collaborate on an international scale, 在全球各地办公室的“虚拟工作室”中工作——通过先进的内部通信网络无缝连接. 的见解 from Dubai can help shape Dublin, 在多伦多勾画出的草图可以在千里之外实现. 这与智慧城市的相互联系是一样的——我们言行一致.

Meet more of our IBI Architects
View Mississauga Bus Rapid Transit Stations project

Mississauga Bus Rapid Transit Stations

Mississauga, ON

For the original concept design, AG平台作为MMM集团的附属顾问,为东部和西部BRT系统的所有拟议站点开发概念设计. IBI在米西沙加运输公司运营的东部系统中设计了八座车站建筑. GO Transit Mississauga BRT West站点包括两个站点设施和几个民用道路结构,以及Erin Mills和Winston Churchill设施之间的专用公交道.

View 88 Scott Street project

88 Scott Street

Toronto, ON



Master Development Plan of the Los Angeles Civic Center

Los Angeles, CA

我们的总体发展规划展示了一个充满活力的综合社区的整体愿景, 文化, 位于洛杉矶市中心的零售和住宅设施, 加州.

我们是规划、设计、建造和维护未来城市的全球合作伙伴. We are holistically minded, design inspired, and technology driven.

See how IBI is redefining the urban experience


科技大大加快了我们生活变化的步伐,我们的社区也必须随之发展. 通过融合数据和设计,我们正在培育更智能、更互联的住宅环境.

See how IBI is redefining the urban experience
See how we’re advancing healthcare realities


医学正在帮助我们获得更长寿、更快乐、更有功能的生活. 我们正在寻找把病人放在第一位的新方法,并改变我们对衰老的看法.

See how we’re advancing healthcare realities
See how we’re reshaping education environments


新一代的思想正在重塑我们对待各级学习教育的方式. 我们将教学与设计结合起来,为发现提供最佳条件.

See how we’re reshaping education environments
See how we’re changing the way cities move


一个新的移动生态系统正在改变我们在城市中互动和移动的方式. 我们正在利用新技术和社区智慧,为城市旅程带来选择和舒适. We are enabling a connected future for cities and their residents.

See how we’re changing the way cities move

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